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Showing posts from May, 2020 Beloved, you are created in the image and likeness of the Highest God. You are Created to be like your Heavenly Father..let nothing else convince you that you're less.. You're a Heavenly being.. Today not only be Transformed but be Confirmed in the image of your Creator and start seeing yourself the way your Creator sees you with Apostle Winston Live now on YouTube  You're Amazing! #ComeAsYouAre # #god #faith #jesus #church #bible #gospel #peace #ministry #redemption #worship #pastors #discipleship #christian #biblestudy #salvation #pastor #holyspirit #scripture #christ #christianliving #preaching #faithbased #churchplanting #kingdom #sermon #biblical #evangelism #revelation #joy #spirituality #healing #happiness #today #mindfulness #christianity #devotional #jesuschrist #prayer #grace #churches #meditation #awakening #theology #hope #mindfulnessatwork #pray #spiritual #father #spiritu...
Moses, was a man who did mighty miracles..parted the Red Sea..lived for 120 years on the face of this Earth without any sickness..but you will be astonished to know that you're more glorious than  Moses' glory. Let the veil lift up today and be transformed with a powerful, never-heard message by Apostle Winston Live now on YouTube Click here  or
मूसा, एक ऐसा शख्स था जिसने शक्तिशाली चमत्कार किए थे।उसने लाल सागर को दुभागा,इस पृथ्वी पर वे  120 वर्षों तक बिना किसी बीमारी के रहे..लेकिन आपको यह जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि आप मूसा की महिमा से अधिक गौरवशाली हैं। आज घूंघट उठाएं और प्रेरित विंस्टन द्वारा एक शक्तिशाली और कभी न सुना हुआ संदेश के साथ परिवर्तित  हों, अब YouTube लाइव पर_ Click Here  or

He loves you Unconditionally

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) God gave His only Son for you which itself shows that He loves you unconditionally, values you so much. God has always got the best prepared for you. Today be assured and rest in the promises of God with a powerful message by Apostle Winston Live now on YouTube. Click here or # thankyou hashtag # grateful hashtag # blessed hashtag # godisgood hashtag # blessing hashtag # praise hashtag # devotion hashtag # grace hashtag # devotional hashtag # worship hashtag # gospel hashtag # worship hashtag # christianliving hashtag # christianity hashtag # holy hashtag # christian hashtag # prayer hashtag # catholic hashtag # god hashtag # salvation # hashtag # peace hashtag # joy hashtag # jesus hashtag # love hashtag # redemption hashtag # happiness hashtag # blessings hashtag # redem...