CELEBRATING OUR MAN OF GOD, APOSTLE WINSTON JOSEPH!!! 14th SEPTEMBER marks the day of Heaven Rejoicing and hell Shaking, as the Earth was bestowed the Gift of our Esteemed Man of God Apostle Winston Joseph, directing and leading innumerable to the Kingdom of Light and God-given mandate. It’s difficult to put into words how blessed we are Sir to be under your Precious tutelage. Expressing our Love through this E-magazine and Honouring and Celebrating you forevermore!!! Love you, Sir!!! Heartfelt Gratitude for all the sacrifices you made so we be here. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY OUR BELOVED AND DEAREST SPIRITUAL FATHER!!! #christianbook #gospelbook #divinehealing #hope #gift #giftideas #bestbook #newbook #faith #newsletter #picofthetoday #tbt #christiannewsletter #bestseller #bestauthor #faithteachings #gospelmagazine #christianmagazine #Jesuslovesyou #christianity #magazine2021 #book2021 #inspirationalbooks #mustread #mustreadbooks #lockdowngifts #birthdayspecials #birthdayservice #spiritu...
About Apostle Winston Prophet, Pastor, Mentor, Teacher, Amazing Man of God with a vigilant vision of winning souls and Christ's Blood Washed India from the last 20 years. Apostle Winston is been travelling all over India and internationally carrying this vision. The Lord put in Apostle's heart to set up a local church as “Hindustan Fellowship Ministries”. Hindustan Fellowship Ministries is a believers’ congregation based on Bible, believing in the doctrine of Trinity.