Jesus was fully submitted to the will of the Father and in the same manner we can be submitted to those in authorities like - pastor, elders, and leaders as God has placed them over us. A wife can be submitted to godly husband, children can be submitted to godly parents and so on because of the submission of Jesus as we learn from the Triune God. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “…not my will but yours be done…”, at that moment His sweat rolled like drops of blood. From the above-mentioned verses, only Jesus Christ is the one who can teach what submission is all about. He was submitted even at the point of death at the cross. When every iota of our being is crying out for rebellion against the authority that God has placed over our lives like pastor, leaders, elders, husband, father, teacher then what shall we do? The answer to this is - to look at the cross which is the ultimate point of submission. Do you think it was easy for Jesus to become a man? Do you think it was easy...
About Apostle Winston Prophet, Pastor, Mentor, Teacher, Amazing Man of God with a vigilant vision of winning souls and Christ's Blood Washed India from the last 20 years. Apostle Winston is been travelling all over India and internationally carrying this vision. The Lord put in Apostle's heart to set up a local church as “Hindustan Fellowship Ministries”. Hindustan Fellowship Ministries is a believers’ congregation based on Bible, believing in the doctrine of Trinity.