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Showing posts with the label confession james


I would like you to know about confession that means your spoken words are important. Where do we learn this from? We learn this from the Triune God who created the entire creation with His spoken word and held the entire creation with the power of His word. (Hebrews 11:3, 1:3)   From John 1:1, we observe that the spoken word of God is important to an extent that even Lord Jesus is addressed as the Word. That means the one who shapes the word so that it would not return void to God. In other words, they (the Triune God) would do everything only according to the Word and nothing out of the word. God is committed to His word. As the spoken word of God is important, in the same way your spoken words are of great importance. So, never speak negative words that can destroy your life but instead confess the Word of God. So, we must fill our hearts and mind with the word of God so that when you confess the Word then God would be committed to work in life according to His word. Confes...