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Showing posts with the label bible study

Why temple veil torn..?

Do you know that when Jesus Christ died, the veil on the temple was torn in two parts from top to bottom (Mark 15:38)?  The word ‘temple’ in original language is ‘Naos’ – often denotes only the innermost sacred part of the building. So, what did God want to say from the above-mentioned verse? The answer is, in the Old Testament, God’s presence was behind the veil in the innermost sacred part of the temple and in the New Testament, that presence has come out of that place and God speaks to His people by residing in their hearts. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit who is the third person of the Trinity, would come upon a person only for a specific time and a specific purpose and after that particular purpose was achieved and the time was over the Holy Spirit had to leave. But in the New Testament, due to the veil of the temple being torn, every believer now can be filled with the Holy Spirit.                        ...