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Showing posts with the label manofgod


  CELEBRATING OUR MAN OF GOD, APOSTLE WINSTON JOSEPH!!! 14th SEPTEMBER marks the day of Heaven Rejoicing and hell Shaking, as the Earth was bestowed the Gift of our Esteemed Man of God Apostle Winston Joseph, directing and leading innumerable to the Kingdom of Light and God-given mandate. It’s difficult to put into words how blessed we are Sir to be under your Precious tutelage. Expressing our Love through this E-magazine and Honouring and Celebrating you forevermore!!! Love you, Sir!!! Heartfelt Gratitude for all the sacrifices you made so we be here. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY OUR BELOVED AND DEAREST SPIRITUAL FATHER!!! #christianbook #gospelbook #divinehealing #hope #gift #giftideas #bestbook #newbook #faith #newsletter #picofthetoday #tbt #christiannewsletter #bestseller #bestauthor #faithteachings #gospelmagazine #christianmagazine #Jesuslovesyou #christianity #magazine2021 #book2021 #inspirationalbooks #mustread #mustreadbooks #lockdowngifts #birthdayspecials #birthdayservice #spiritu...

The Heavenly Calling (Part 2)

  Now you may be wondering what do we mean by these heavenly calling? It means he comes to live inside us to make us a heavenly being and we become the house of the living God. It is the most amazing thing that happens to a born again believer. 1 Peter 1:23 says “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” The Greek word for ‘seed’ is ‘sperma’ and ‘word’ is ‘logos’. When we are born again as John 3:6 says, “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit” The moment a person invites Jesus Christ to be the Lord of his life, something happens inwards, there is a conjoining of the Word and the Spirit taking place in the person who becomes a by-product of ‘sperma’ and ‘logos’ then from that day onwards the Holy Spirit comes to have permanent resident in us In John 3:8, you are compared to wind, i.e. we become unstoppable, unlimited, and a mystery to the devil. Firstly, you are compared to win...

Amazing Testimony

This is a true story of a 15-year-old girl From a village in Kasia which is in Uttar Pradesh, She was deaf since the time she was born but her mother with faith watches Apostle Winston through Youtube live and one day all of a sudden as Apostle Winston Prayed through Youtube live service And she started listening clearly… And since then she can listen clearly… This is not the first time a miracle has taken place but understand this through the eyes of that small girl who couldn’t hear, her entire life in the midst of her friends, relatives, she was the odd one out, but god’s miraculous hands were on her and right now she would be the happiest girl on this planet. Don’t Forget to Share. . . . . . . . . . . .

If God is for us, who can stand against us?

 We had a crusade in the open ground in one of the interior villages in a state of India. Whenever conventions were organized in that area a few people used to turn up for it. But history was created in that place during one of our crusades, as record number of people came in from all corners of the nearby villages and states. As our volunteers were praying for the convention, a day before the crusade at the ground, some people who were enemies of the cross and gospel came and threatened them saying that they would allow meeting only for a day and would make us flee from that village the next day. Our volunteers were not afraid but boldly answered that they are probably not acquainted with their pastor and that he shall conduct the meeting for all the scheduled three days. On the first day of the crusade, there were too many police personnel guarding the entire ground and the police authorities too were present at the crusade venue to take me for interrogation. In a very tense atmo...