The third role of the Holy Spirit is to give us the Spirit of wisdom. To understand the above-mentioned role, let us read the relevant scriptures pertaining to this role of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:17 “…give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation…” 1 Corinthians 1:24 “…Christ…and the wisdom of God.” Ephesians 6:17“…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” What is wisdom? Wisdom is nothing but applying the written word into our day-to-day lives so that the living Word (Jesus) will manifest in our lives. In other words, the character of Jesus is to be seen in our lives. The Bible tells us that everything in this world is created by the wisdom of God. When we look at Genesis, Chapter One, it is clearly understood that everything is created by the spoken word of God. So, what is wisdom in this context? It is the spoken word of God. Thus, when we receive wisdom from the Lord, we can rule and reign in every situation of our lives with wisdom. The Bible g...
About Apostle Winston Prophet, Pastor, Mentor, Teacher, Amazing Man of God with a vigilant vision of winning souls and Christ's Blood Washed India from the last 20 years. Apostle Winston is been travelling all over India and internationally carrying this vision. The Lord put in Apostle's heart to set up a local church as “Hindustan Fellowship Ministries”. Hindustan Fellowship Ministries is a believers’ congregation based on Bible, believing in the doctrine of Trinity.