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The third role of the Holy Spirit


 The third role of the Holy Spirit is to give us the Spirit of wisdom.

To understand the above-mentioned role, let us read the relevant scriptures pertaining to this role of the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:17 “…give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation…”

1 Corinthians 1:24 “…Christ…and the wisdom of God.”

Ephesians 6:17“…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

What is wisdom? Wisdom is nothing but applying the written word into our day-to-day lives so that the living Word (Jesus) will manifest in our lives. In other words, the character of Jesus is to be seen in our lives. The Bible tells us that everything in this world is created by the wisdom of God. When we look at Genesis, Chapter One, it is clearly understood that everything is created by the spoken word of God. So, what is wisdom in this context? It is the spoken word of God. Thus, when we receive wisdom from the Lord, we can rule and reign in every situation of our lives with wisdom. The Bible goes on to say in 1 Corinthians 1:24 “…Christ (cross) …wisdom of God,” i.e through the cross or making Jesus the Lord and the Savior of our lives, we get this wisdom because Jesus is called the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Now the question is how do we receive this wisdom?

The answer is through the Holy Spirit.

When storms come in our life, the Holy Spirit will rise up like a flood and fill us with wisdom i.e. the Word of God that we have to speak and apply during the storms of life. We will never go down during the storms but always go up from one level of glory to another because of the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, that is the wisdom of God in that situation. When we read Acts 12:6–8, the verse reveals that Peter was sleeping peacefully between two soldiers bounded with two chains and sentries who stood guard at the entrance while Herod was going to execute him the very next day. Suddenly, the angel of the Lord appeared and light shone in the cell — he struck Peter on the side, woke him up — even though when he woke up, he was half asleep. Now, the question is how could he sleep so peacefully in the prison when he was going to be executed the very next day? It was so because he had the wisdom of God for that situation. The Master said to him in John 21:18, “… when you were younger you dressed and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” This means that he would die only when he will become ‘old’ because it is talking of his crucifixion. When he was in prison, he was not old. So, he could not have possibly died there. He had the wisdom of God in that situation, so he was not afraid and was fast asleep. But who was the one who reminded him of that wisdom — — ‘The Spirit of God.’


Recently, I felt severe pain in my body, so much so that I couldn’t turn, twist, or pull myself up. I was in deep agony when a doctor who is a member of our church examined me. During the examination a slight touch by the doctor made me scream because of pain. He told me that something was seriously wrong and advised me to take a rest at least for a month. However, when I entered my prayer chamber before the throne of God, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit landed on me through the word Philippians 4:4 that said: “Rejoice”. So, I laughed over that pain and continued to laugh for quite some time. By the time, I was done with the laughing and rejoicing, the pain had completely disappeared. What was it? Who revealed the wisdom for that situation? The Spirit of the Lord! I had the wisdom of God to rejoice even when I was in severe and excruciating pain.

To read more, refer to the Book “The Triune God Unravelling the Truth” Written by Apostle Winston joseph. If you want this Book Please Contact us- 9324952878


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