There are many reasons for it, but the most important reason we get is when we meditate Hebrews 12:9. Let us note the word ‘disciplined’ in the above verse. In Greek, the meaning for the original word is- a) to instruct, b) the one who corrects.
So the Holy Spirit enters our spirit man to instruct us and to correct us. Then what is our role? Our role is to revere Him and hold Him at high esteem, to walk all the days of our lives with Him, i.e., to listen to His instructions and take His corrections, which will eventually make us ‘one spirit with Him, as 1 Corinthians 6:17 says, “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit.” The original word of ‘one spirit’ is ‘be united’; it is an ongoing process which continues till we are alive on this earth. As this process goes on we ought to change from one degree of glory to another degree. As 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” In other words, we are a direct expression of His being. Thus we can conclude that the Holy Spirit lives inside our spirit man.
If we turn to the scripture, 1 Corinthians 2:4 says “…but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power,” and Zechariah 4:6 says, “… ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’…” wherein we clearly read that the Spirit of the Lord is not might or power but He is an individual who has power. Besides, Hebrews 12:9 tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Father of all spirits. I repeat, He is a person — not an influence or power as some put it. Holy Spirit is an individual, an entity who abides in a person just as evil spirit lives in and takes hold of a person. Mark 9:20 tells us when the evil spirit saw Jesus, immediately the boy went in convulsion proving that the evil spirit had taken total authority of the body. Hence, we conclude that the Holy Spirit is a person who abides inside the human body just like the evil spirits that can take hold of a person.
16 years ago, I met two people who were suffering from the disease of AIDS. As soon as these two people came to know that they have AIDS then they both became very hopeless and gave up their desire to live. In such a situation someone told them about our prayer meeting. When I met them, seeing these two men, the Holy Spirit who lives in me and who is the father of all spirits, encouraged me to prophesy on both of them. On one of them I laid my hands and prophesied that I take his guarantee that he won’t die, but live. This person believed on my prophecy. As soon as I prayed for that person, the spirit of AIDS which had control over his body left him that very moment and Holy Spirit took control over his body. This way the person whose guarantee I took is still alive even after 16 years and the person whose guarantee I didn’t take he died.
You might be wondering how did it happen?
This happened not by strength nor by the power but through the Holy Spirit.
Though the Holy Spirit is symbolically represented as a dove but He is certainly not a dove. If the Holy Spirit is a dove then Jesus would be a lamb according to John 1:29–32. As Jesus is symbolically represented as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, in the same way the Holy Spirit is symbolically represented as a dove for his gentle nature.
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