Greetings, let’s meditate on this word…
Psalms 73:2 “But as for me, my feet had almost slipped, I had nearly lost my foothold”.
Psalms 73:3 “For I envied the arrogant when I saw the PROSPERITY of the wicked”.
Now notice this verse very carefully…… God is coming of LOGOS verse and giving us “RHEMA”. It says my feet had almost slipped……but before coming to that position of almost slipped, he was absolutely secured and planted….
Now the question is how did he come to that place. The answer is he started comparing himself with the world, that is one of the stupidest things a believer can do. The unbeliever is on slippery ground. He is here today and gone tomorrow. The unbeliever is compared to a flower which blossoms today and gone tomorrow….
And here are believers who are totally secured, full of hope here and in the time to come.
Stop comparing yourselves with the world who has no hope.
Now confess with me….
Diamond, Gold, Silver, and millions are mine and following me all the days of my life and I have made up mind I will never compare myself to anybody because I am uniquely blessed Amen.
— By Apostle Winston Joseph, Ph.D
Amen, I am uniquely Blessed!!!