Greetings, let's meditate on this word
Now read the Word very carefully then you will understand that God’s will for you is prosperity.
The word prosperity in ‘Greek’ is ‘EUODOO’ which also means a way open for us. So if you put that back in the setting of the verse, then God does not want us to be stranded; rather he wants to open the way for us in all that we put our hands into.
Secondly, prosperity is the foundation on which he wants you to be blessed and blessed beyond measure. Now just imagine you are turning to leave you are prospering, you are turning to the right you are prospering. In other words, wherever you are turning away is opening for you Wow!
Thirdly a very Significant thing is your prosperity which is connected to your soul. The Bible says you will prosper and prosper…. The soul is the seat of mind, will, and emotions. In other words, they are three areas of your personality that should be flooded or bombarded with prosperity i.e your imagination, emotion, and will-power should be full of wealth and riches and see that it is coming to you…. you should see dreams and visions of people giving you Gold and Silver, doing property deals and your name written on the property, etc. and you should see this continually and keep on thanking the Lord your God, for eventually what we have seen in the unseen realm becomes your in the physical realm
Now confess with me…
Diamond, Gold, Silver, and Millions are mine and following me all the days of my life.
By Apostle Winston Joseph, PhD
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