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What does it mean to fear the Lord and its Benefits?

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Greetings, Let's meditate on this word..
"Praise the Lord, Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever." (Psalm 112:1–3)

The word fear in Hebrew is “Yare” which also means ‘Respect and Revere’. Now, this Respect and Reverence should be with you 24/7 days a week, and 365 days a year. This Reverence should tell you even when nobody is watching you as the verse says, God’s eyes are on the righteous.

The Bible says in Psalm 112:2, this fear has an effect on the children itself because when they see the fear of God upon the parents they will become mighty because they imitate that fear of God. ‘What is the fear of Lord? The fear of the Lord is to shun evil. When the world goes ahead by doing evil and by a lie. We cannot even imagine doing it because the fear of the Lord has captivated us and God has placed the wicked on a
slippery ground, who are here today and gone tomorrow.

The word says Psalm 112:3, Wealth and riches are in his house. i.e who fears the Lord. This is the fear that made Joseph prosper.

This fear made Joseph run away from Potiphar's wife when she wanted to commit adultery with him. And had he not had that fear of the Lord he would have never reached the prosperity of becoming the Prime Minister of Egypt.

Just imagine where he would have ended up, had he lost that fear of the Lord. He would have died as a slave in Potiphar's house. Beloved, if you have the fear of Lord that will distinguish you from others. There are certain places where you cannot sit, there are certain things which you cannot say, and certain things you cannot do, because of the fear of God which is inside you.

So dear, to prosper in your present situation or win right now, you need just one thing. ‘The fear of the Lord’ One of the greatest targets of the enemy in today’s world is to bring people close to our vicinity by hook or crook who do not have fear of the Lord in their sight, in their words, and in their deeds and slowly before you realize it the fear of the Lord is gone.

So beloved, guard the fear of Lord with all your might because that is the source of your prosperity.

So confess with me.....

I am grounded and rooted in the fear of the Lord all the days of my life. Therefore Diamonds, Gold, Silver and Millions are mine and are following me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of Lord forever and ever.

-Apostle Winston Joseph, PhD


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