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Showing posts from December, 2020

Testing of Faith and Inheritance

  When you go through trials and testing of your faith, then always remember to be patient and not to give up, because the testing of your faith leads you to your inheritance. So wait patiently, so that you will mount up with wings like eagles and soar into your success. 1 Peter 1:7 tells us that “These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may be proved genuine Christ is revealed.” Now, my question is why is your faith compared to gold ? I believe there are many reasons for this analogy. I will enlighten a few important reasons as to why faith and gold both have to undergo testing of fire. It is because fire is the only element that proves authenticity of both. Just like real gold comes out of fire, so does true faith comes out of fire of trials. So, when a person with real faith, i.e. firmness of heart, is allowed to go through fire of difficulties then that person would come out a real winner. The Bible says in Jame...

Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

  YOUR MIRACLE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Please notice here, about the title that I did not say to walk in faith, but I said walk by faith. Many believers do not know the difference between walking in faith and walking by faith. Walking in faith is salvational faith, but walking by faith is receiving faith. Paul says in 1 Timothy 1:19, “holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith.” Now the question is what type of faith is this? This is salvational faith, which has to be kept till the very end and if you lose it then you are going to hell and this would mean that you have to hold on to Jesus till the very end (Matthew10:22,24:13). Here, I would like to give a testimony of my grandmother, who walked in faith and held onto Jesus till the very end though she faced persecution by her husband, a wretched person I have ever known, who would chew beetle leaf and used to spat at her. He would throw away food serv...

Your Glory Is Waiting To Be revealed

  Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Look at this verse carefully where the word ‘suffering’ in Greek is ‘pathema’ which means ‘passion’ . Now, what is passion? Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. That is why the word of God says that the glory that would be revealed in us and through us is not worthy to be compared to the intense desire we have for the world or the things of the world. Maybe, the world and its sins have caught hold of you tightly and you are passionately engulfed in it. But glory is crying out loudly from inside to be revealed. If you want glory to be revealed through you, then learn to say no to the world and its desires. Therefore, the Word says in Hebrews 12:1,“…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Something in your life may not be a sin but it can be ...

The Hovering Spirit

  DECEMBER 2020 E-MAGAZINE IS OUT!!! Titled ‘The Hovering Spirit’, written and edited by Apostle Winston Joseph, Ph.D., and Sister Parveen Winston exclusively for all the Sons and Daughters and for everyone connected with Hindustan Fellowship Ministries on Behalf of HF Publications©. Be Blessed by this Amazing word of Living in Faith and not in Fear.

The Heavenly Calling (Part 2)

  Now you may be wondering what do we mean by these heavenly calling? It means he comes to live inside us to make us a heavenly being and we become the house of the living God. It is the most amazing thing that happens to a born again believer. 1 Peter 1:23 says “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” The Greek word for ‘seed’ is ‘sperma’ and ‘word’ is ‘logos’. When we are born again as John 3:6 says, “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit” The moment a person invites Jesus Christ to be the Lord of his life, something happens inwards, there is a conjoining of the Word and the Spirit taking place in the person who becomes a by-product of ‘sperma’ and ‘logos’ then from that day onwards the Holy Spirit comes to have permanent resident in us In John 3:8, you are compared to wind, i.e. we become unstoppable, unlimited, and a mystery to the devil. Firstly, you are compared to win...

Blessing That Flows Out Of Thanksgiving (Part 2)

  Let’s take one more example of Paul and Silas. They were put in jail for preaching the gospel and they had all the opportunity to stay in grumbling valley but they chose to keep their being in thanksgiving mountain instead of grumbling valley (Acts 16:25). By doing that they activated the unseen realm and the angels got activated. The Bible says in Acts 16:26, “Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.”  When we keep our being in thanksgiving mountain then something that are bound will be loosed suddenly and even age-old foundations of the devil will be destroyed. Doors that were shut will be opened and chains will be broken. Let’s look at one more example of Peter, who was put in prison and the very next day could have been in his last day. Peter kept his being on the mountain top of thanksgiving instead of keeping his being in grumbling valley. So h...