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  Most of the people on the face of the earth experience death and they die however there was a man called Enoch who was taken from this life and he did not experience death (Hebrews 11:5). What do I mean by that? In other words, part of them (people) is dying so they are experiencing partial death in other words one of their parts of body became non-functional and consequently they die. But about Enoch it is written that he did not experience death at all. In other words, he experienced only life. The word, ‘experienced’ translated from Greek word in NIV is ‘horao’ that means to ‘see’. So Enoch never saw himself as dying. He used to be in fellowship with God so much so that life was the only thing transferred into him. One fine day God told him that he was so full of life and if he stays there longer, then others will blow up. So God took him away and the Bible says he was no more. Coming back to the point that I am making here is that he did not see ‘death’ and so he did not get ...

Church is called to trample the devil

 Not only we are the house of the Triune God, but we have also become the temple of the living God. Though triune being lives in this house, however it is a temple through which we manifest his presence. Solomon’s temple was glorious, so much so that God’s glory filled the temple to an extent that those ministering would be slain in the spirit (2 Chronicles 5:14). As the Bible says in Haggai 2:9, “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house.” But 2 Corinthians 6:16 says, “… for we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them…”. In Greek, the word for ‘walk among them’ is ‘enperipateo’ made of three Greek words ‘En’ meaning ‘in’, ‘peri’ meaning ‘concerning’, ‘pateo’ meaning ‘trampling’ and putting them altogether we get the perception that God is living inside us and is concerned about us and continually trampling all the works of the enemy through us. The Triune God is living inside you to set ...

Blessing That Flows Out Of Thanksgiving

  What are we supposed to do in this living spiritual house? We ought to always offer spiritual sacrifices i.e. according to Hebrews 13:15, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise- the fruit of the lips that openly confess his name.” It means to acknowledge his presence in our lives continually and he will make our paths straight and that is why 1Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” We are called to be thankful in our being and to be in a state of thanksgiving when the Triune God stays inside us. When a person is in the state of thanksgiving, then the person is on the top of mountain and when a person is in a state of grumbling, then the person is in the valley. When your being is in a state of thanksgiving mountain continually instead of grumbling valley, then unseen realm gets activated and nothing is impossible with you. Just imagine two fish and five loaves and the ...

Devil's attack on Glory

  What was the first attack of the devil on humankind? It was an attack on the glory as Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God.” To understand this let us also read, Genesis 2:17,“but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil for when you eat it you will surely die.” God created man in his image and likeness; he was allowed to eat from anything but not from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The serpent came to the woman and said “God knows that when you eat of it you will be like him and he does not want you to be like him.” (Genesis3:5) That was a lie for they were already like him as I mentioned earlier that Glory means to be ‘like Him.’ So, the first attack on mankind was the attack on glory. We further read that God questioned them as to who told them that they were naked. In other words, God’s question to Adam and Eve was that that how did they fall from glory? (Genesis 3:10, 11) Now, that sounds like a frivolous que...


  Most of the believers in the body of Christ have not understood what is heavenly calling? They think that whenever the Bible talks of calling it means the ministerial offices like the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers only. So, they choose for themselves and somehow think that they are called for one of these offices. They give themselves a title like pastor without proving whether they are called in that office or not; however, when the Bible talks of the heavenly calling then it is talking about something different altogether. It is talking of bringing heaven on the earth, experiencing and enjoying what God has in store for us here, on earth while we are alive in our physical bodies. As in Hebrews 3:1 “Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.” There are many people who would read through the verse and overlook it. The reason is the second word in ...

Thanksgiving Releases Angels

Greetings, let’s meditate on this word Peter says in 1 Peter 2:9 that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. The word in Greek for ‘declare’ is ‘exangello’ which is a combination of two words ‘Ek’- means ‘out of’ and ‘angelos’ means ‘angel’ and when we declare thanksgiving to our God out of our being, then angels are always released on our behalf to bless us and work for us. Our very calling is t o  continually keep our being in the mountain of thanksgiving. When we do that then things of darkness will crumble, prison walls will fall, chains of the prisoners will be shattered and no thing of darkness can touch us as we will continually feast in the light of our Lord. Also I want to add here that when a person is in grumbling valley, then he is in dangerous road to destruction. King Herod is perfect example of it. One day, King Herod gave a speech and everyone was impressed. But as he did not give thanks and praise to the Lord so ...

What Glory and His Knowledge can do?

  Greetings, Let's meditate on this word…  Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” T he word ‘arise’ in Hebrew is ‘qum’ which means to be established’. Now the question arises, what is to be established? We are to be established in glory, which is the very foundation of our life. So, we ought to not only to be established in the glory but also move in this glory which is ever increasing. In other words, we are supposed to move from one level of glory to another level of glory. Isaiah 60:2 “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” The Lord rises upon you means we become the channel through which He begins to manifest Himself. That is why it is said in Ephesians 1:12–13 that we are the praise of His glory and His literal glory appears over us. Isaiah 60:3 “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” The ...

The Real Spiritual Meaning of Glory?

  Greetings, Let's meditate on this word… Bible says in   Habakkuk 2:14 ,  “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord…’’ It is not talking about any supernatural occurrence or the visitation of angels coming down on earth or some sort of extraordinary things through which God will be revealed. No, not at all! It is actually referring to a generation or more precisely to the church, the glory of God, which will conquer and fill the entire earth as in  1Corinthians 2:7   “No, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that which God has destined for our glory before the beginning of time.” Our God, one who is a purposeful and destiny-oriented God, purposed in His mind that we should be His glory on the face of this earth and the Cross was the step taken by God towards its fulfillment (1 Corinthians 2:8). Glory is the manifested presence and the recognition of God on the face of the earth. Glory is not only the...

faith puts us in the same class with God.

It is amazing to know we are the glory of God in Christ and called to trample the devil under our feet. But even though you are the glory of God, it will be of no use to you unless you combine it with faith. As money is to this physical world, without it a person is stranded and cannot buy or do anything exactly like that, faith is to the spiritual world. Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith, it is impossible to please God.”  So faith is the connection to God and His glory Matthew 19:26, …but with God all things are possible. There is only one person through whom all things are possible i.e. God. But that is not an astonishing thing to know. But what is more amazing is that when we believe, all things are possible for us (Mark 9:23). So faith puts us in the same class with God. By Apostle Winston Joseph, Ph.D  

What does God say about Tithe?

  Greetings, let’s Meditate on this word….. Leviticus 26:19 “I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like Iron and the ground beneath you like bronze”. This is a situation where no matter what a person does… Nothing will happen or no productivity can happen….strength will be spent in vain. In other words, when a person’s sky above is like an iron than that person is living in closed heaven and because he is living under closed heaven..… The ground is also Bronze… No productivity or increase can happen… all efforts go in vain. Beloved always remember two-Source… 1) Spiritual Source and 2) Natural Source. The natural source is controlled by the Spiritual source somebody can work hard within the realm of natural source and can barely get along to some extent but when the spiritual source is open for a person i.e. if he is living in open heaven that person can prosper unlimitedly. Let’s look at John 1:51 He then added,  “I tell you the Truth, you shall see...