In reality, we walk and move and have our being in Him. So, we ought to glorify God in our body by living in glory without sickness. Now my question to you is why did Jesus die? Good question! You may have many answers, but I have one according to Hebrews 2:10, “In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation complete the work through suffering.”
So, the ultimate purpose of the cross was to bring many sons to glory. In order for God’s purpose to prevail, it was settled even before the creation of the world that Christ will come and die in our place and to bring us back to glory. (NB Hebrews 2:10 is the Apostle’s Version)
Therefore, the entire purpose of the cross is to bring us back to glory. If we study scriptures carefully we would read in Genesis that although Adam and Eve were naked and still why they did not feel any shame? It was because they were covered with the glory of God in such a way that they were not aware of their nakedness. They were walking in the spirit to such an extent that everything about them was in the glory. They were so spiritually minded that their spiritual eyes were guiding them so much that their natural eyes were open only after their fall from glory as mentioned in Genesis 3:7 and Romans 3:23.
Referred from The Book “Living In Glory Without Sickness” Written by Dr. Winston Joseph. Click the Link Below to Purchase this Book From Amazon
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