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Glory revealed


Restoration of sense of smell after twenty long years

Once we were having a crusade in Chhattisgarh in an open ground that was filled with people. God spoke to me on the day of the crusade that people who have lost their sense of smell would be healed. I went to the ground and stood on the platform and asked the crowd whether Jesus is alive? Some gave me a blank look while I went on to prove that our Jesus is alive. I declared that God is going to heal the people who have lost their sense of smell. So I called the people who have lost their sense of smell to come forward. One who stood in front of me had lost his sense of smell and could not smell at all for twenty long years. This person was allergic to dust from 1998 due to which he suffered from cough and asthma. He took medicines for some time and later discontinued it. Someone suggested him to take vapor, he started taking vapor and as a result, he had a respite from cough and asthma due to dust allergies, however, the functioning of his olfactory sense stopped working. He mentioned that he could not even smell a dead dog. As I laid my hands upon him, he fell to the ground and immediately received his sense of smell back. It was confirmed by taking a test of smell with a perfumed handkerchief and he was taken aback by the smell. Thus, God revealed his glory through His Apostle.

To read more, refer to the Book “Living In Glory Without Sickness” Written by Dr. Winston Joseph. Click the Link Below to Purchase this Book From Amazon



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