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You have wells of salvation


In Isaiah 12:3 “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”

It is a foregone conclusion that we have wells inside us. Now the question is what is inside these wells and how do we draw from it? The eternal source of all stays inside us i.e. the Triune being. Every time you have a pressurizing situation, you got to be joyful and draw water from the wells of salvation. Every time a symptom of disease or sickness appears, open your mouth to rejoice and be joyful and you are drawing water from the wells of salvation and literally, that disease and sickness will vanish.

Therefore, Philippians 3:1 says rejoicing acts like safeguard for us and when we rejoice, no matter how big the problem is, we will be safe. Similarly,when we put on joy and start rejoicing, no problem will be a problem for us. Every problem will fall on the ground.

Testimony: -

One fine day I was feeling a bit uneasy and experienced a little pain in my stomach. So I felt like passing stool but couldn’t do it. Suddenly I started experiencing severe pain throughout my body and was shivering. So I went into my prayer room and fell face down and started laughing loudly for about fifteen to twenty minutes. As I got up from lying position, all the pain and uneasiness just disappeared. This proves that we have a glorious well of joy inside us through which we can draw anytime we want.

To read more, refer the Book “Living In Glory Without Sickness” Written by Dr. Winston Joseph. Click the Link Below to Purchase this Book From Amazon


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