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Being a spiritual person by fixing the mind on the Spirit (Part 2)


What to do with symptoms of disease?

Now, let me make it simple for you by asking a question that what would you do when symptoms persist? Always remember that devil cannot put any disease or sickness on you as all of these had been annihilated by the Lord Christ Jesus on the cross.

But he can show a little bit of symptoms of disease to you. So when you see the symptoms of that disease then never confess that sickness by your mouth. For when you do it, Satan gets the legal authority to put the sickness on you. Always remember that the unseen world or the spiritual world is governed by the words of your mouth. So you either bring judgement on your adversary or bring judgement on yourself by the words of your mouth.

1 Corinthians 2:13 says, “This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.”

In the above verse, the word ‘expressing’ in Greek is ‘sugkrino’ means judge between two things. When the devil brings symptoms to you, do not take it and when the spirit brings the ‘logos’- the Word, you must take it by confessing the word. In other words, open your mouth and say the verse which the spirit is bringing to you. For example, one verse which I like to confess by shouting on and on is that my life is hidden with Christ in God and Christ is my life. So I might open my mouth and address to that disease that I am hidden in Christ, so it cannot find me, and I also repeat on and on that Christ is my life.

 ‘Christ’ means ‘the anointed,’ so when he is my life and he is the anointed one and we all know that the anointing breaks all yoke and consequently any disease and sickness that comes our way gets destroyed even without our knowing. So you must confess that “Christ is my life” to an extent that every cell of your body gets immersed in Christ. What you are doing is, you are bringing judgement on the sickness and disease and unclean spirit that brings symptoms causing it to fall on the ground. This knowledge is immensely important as you resist the wiles of the enemy. Never ever panic or be fearful, because God says ‘Do not fear’ for 365 times in the Bible.

To read more, refer to the Book “Living In Glory Without Sickness” Written by Dr Winston Joseph. Click the Link Below to Purchase this Book From Amazon

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