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Showing posts from July, 2020

Why to Serve?

Greeting, Let's meditate on this word Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24) The word ' with ' in Greek is * ek * means with or from which means the source. So whatever person does it should have the source connection i.e. heart. Many people do a lot of things but they do not prosper because their heart is not into it. Often, they are doing for the sake of doing it, so they do not prosper because when a person's heart is not connected, they are doing it for somebody & not for God. So, I encourage you today to ask yourself this question Is my heart there in my Job on whatever I am doing? If yes you are on right track then the next verse goes on to say since you "know" that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward it is ...

Why are you seeking Prosperity?

Greeting, Let’s meditate on this word Psalms 122:9 For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity. Now let’s look this verse very carefully as Psalmist says I will seek your prosperity for the sake of the house of Lord. Now, he is not seeking prosperity for his pleasures​. James 4:3 worldly prosperity is they seek prosperity for their pleasure. But we seek prosperity for the house of Lord. Dear beloved if you have this attitude you are bound to prosper. In Matthew 6:33 Our Jesus said the same thing seek he first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. So my question to you why are you seeking prosperity? Is it for your pleasure or for the sake of the house of Lord? I heard about a real testimony of  “A person from Bahrain who was so poor that he didn’t have a place to live and no money to feed his children then he got saved and he was planted in the house of the Lord. Whenever he was in the house of Lord, he would ...

How To Gain Treasures Stored In Secret Places?  -  Apostle Winston Joseph, PhD

Greetings, Let’s Meditate on today’s word. Isaiah 45:2–3 I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.               The word says… I will go before you and will level the mountains. It is so wonderful that our God is going before us and not behind us. Therefore, we have confidence because he has gone before us and already made us victorious. He will not only go before us but also level the mountains.              In other words, every mountain of a hindrance to your destiny he will beat it “ Mountains ” and make it a level path. So that you can walk on it easily. Notice the two things that hold your “ Treasures ” and “ Wealth ” are gates of bronze and bars of iron so the gat...

Don’t be Lazy but be Spiritually active to Receive your Prosperity

Good Afternoon let’s meditate on these words.. Proverbs 6:10 a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of hands to rest proverbs 6:11 and poverty will come on you like bandit and scarcity like an armed man. If we look into these verses carefully this talks of spiritual lethargy, that is lack of energy and lack of enthusiasm or sluggishness for spiritual matters. The word says a little sleep a little slumber little folding hands to rest…all these words talk of spiritual lethargy. It is not talking about the physical action of sleep or slumber. A spiritual lethargic person is the one who says nothing will happen if we don’t read or confess the word daily. A spiritual lethargic person is the one who says if we don’t pray daily it’s ok or says read the word once in a full moon. A spiritual lethargic person is the one who says nothing will happen if you miss the Sunday once or twice in a month. A Spiritual lethargic person is one who says tithing is not important and God do...

5 Days Prosperity Conference

PROSPERITY IS GOD’S WILL FOR YOU. Join us for this Conference for you which you shouldn’t miss at all. A Massive Supernatural Growth in your Financial Sector awaits you. Catch Apostle Winston Live today on Youtube & Twitter at 5:30pm

Light of the Truth, are you Ready to Walk in the Real Truth

Click the Link Below. to View full Sermon of Apostle Winston Joseph, and know about the Everlasting Light which is Inside you. #Jesus #Truth #biblequotes #motivation #blessed


WHY GRACE IS GIVEN? “To do what you cannot do, to be what you cannot become, to reach where you cannot reach, to receive what you cannot earn, to possess things that would never be yours.”

God's Structure

Now we know the structure of the devil is a lie, falsehood, and corrupted.   God's structure   is the truth that means   absolute realities .