Greetings, Let’s Meditate on today’s word.

The word says… I will go before you and will level the mountains. It is so wonderful that our God is going before us and not behind us. Therefore, we have confidence because he has gone before us and already made us victorious. He will not only go before us but also level the mountains.
In other words, every mountain of a hindrance to your destiny he will beat it “Mountains” and make it a level path. So that you can walk on it easily. Notice the two things that hold your “Treasures” and “Wealth” are gates of bronze and bars of iron so the gates of bronze and bars of iron should be destroyed before the flow of wealth into your life. But that is what God did exactly through Christ. He destroyed gates of bronze and bars of iron through Christ…. So much that the Bible says, he became poor for us, so that you will come out of poverty and will become Rich.
Isaiah 45:3 I will give you treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret place ….so there are treasures of darkness and riches stored in the secret place to be gained in our lives. And God wants you to have access to both of these because he already paid the price for it. Now he wants you to have it. If he can get it out of your hand, he can give it into your hand.
So always be open-handed to bless… Never let a day pass before you have sowed something or given away something; become a habitual giver. So, confess with me.
Diamond, Silver, and Millions are mine and are following all days of my life because I am a habitual giver.
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