Greeting, Let’s meditate on this word
Psalms 122:9 For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.
Now let’s look this verse very carefully as Psalmist says I will seek your prosperity for the sake of the house of Lord. Now, he is not seeking prosperity for his pleasures.
James 4:3 worldly prosperity is they seek prosperity for their pleasure. But we seek prosperity for the house of Lord.
Dear beloved if you have this attitude you are bound to prosper.
In Matthew 6:33 Our Jesus said the same thing seek he first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.
So my question to you why are you seeking prosperity? Is it for your pleasure or for the sake of the house of Lord?
I heard about a real testimony of “A person from Bahrain who was so poor that he didn’t have a place to live and no money to feed his children then he got saved and he was planted in the house of the Lord. Whenever he was in the house of Lord, he would say to himself I seek your prosperity, he had no money to pay his own rent but he would say to the Lord if you would give me money I will pay the rent of the house of Lord. He started doing that, then he said, I will build the house of Lord (church) by myself, and he did it. Right now he is so prosperous that, he owns buildings after buildings and that too in Bahrain’’. Just imagine literally from streets to mansions wow!
Why?… same principle! Seeking prosperity for the house of Lord.
So confess with me….
I seek prosperity for the house of Lord Diamond, Gold, Silver and Millions are mine and are following me all the days of my life...Amen.
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